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The RCL/TDZ light does double duty as a runway centerline light and touchdown zone light. The RCL is a bidirectional light, typically clear/clear or clear/red, with two 20W LED modules. The TDZ is a clear unidirectional light, with a 20W LED module.
The TEL Model 5 is used as a medium intensity, taxiway edge light, for constant current circuits
TEL Taxiway Edge Light - LED
The RGL4 (Runway Guard Light) is used to enhance the visibility of taxiway holding positions, preventing runway incursions and warning pilots they are approaching an active runway. Two RGL4 fixtures are installed one at each end of the holding position line. Each fixture alternately flashes its two signal heads.
RGL4 Runway Guard Light - LED
In this section you will find examples of availables products , if the desired product is not available, thank you to contact us for more information.
You can also visit the respective manufacturer Website using the links available to you in each section
Solar Runway Edge Light
Solar Threshold Light
Approach (Strobe & Fixed)
Solar Obstruction Light
AV425/AV425-RF Solar Aviation Light
Airside™ signs Model AGS-LED are designed for use on airport taxiways to mark taxi routes and intersections. Colors may be black on yellow, yellow on black, or white on red depending on the application as defined by the governing standard FAA AC 150/5345-44 and Engineering Brief 67. Black signs with white numerals are used to indicate distance remaining in thousands of feet of runway.
AGS-LED Airside™ Guidance Sign
The IRTEL is a medium intensity bidirectional light (using one 48 W lamp for the green side and one 105 watt lamp for the red side). This fixture is used on runways where the threshold and end lighting are co-located and where it is impractical to use an elevated light.
IRTEL Inset Runway Threshold/End Light
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